If you submitted a sample for genotype testing and identified yourself or your organization on the Galaxy as the submitting party (i.e. you didn't make it anonymous), you can use that data as a public record to show that you had possession of that variety as of a specifc date. This information can be useful in supporting a claim of intellectual property protection.
How do I access my information?
Your account access and genotype report remain available, but we recommend that you print your report and store it locally - we aren't able to guarantee access to your account indefinitely now that the testing service has closed. To do this, log into your Phylos Account and navigate to your Variety Profiles, and then click on the Genotype Report for each variety and print them to PDFs using your web browser.
If you opted in to public data sharing at the time you submitted your test, your data was included in the data publication to the The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). The European Variation Archive (EVA) is an open-access, public database of all types of genetic variation data from all species. To download data, visit EBI’s archive.
Is Phylos able to claim ownership of my data or the plants that I took samples from?
No. By law only an inventor or owner of a variety can apply for patent protection of the variety. Every customer retained full ownership and ownership rights in the samples they submitted, including:
The genetic data generated from the test, which was used to create a genotype report;
The plants and any dead plant matter submitted; and
Any current or future rights you may have in plant protection of your varieties.